Click or drag to resize

Switching Screens

The following code snippets can be used/modified to change the current screen.

Switch to a specific screen.

// get reference to screen control assuming there is
// a screen named "Screen2" in the current application
string screenName = "Screen2";
ControlScreen nextScreen = Application.Screens[screenName] as ControlScreen;

// switch screens
Application.CurrentScreen = nextScreen;

Switch to the next screen.

// get reference to the next screen in the application
int currentScreenIndex = Application.Screens.IndexOf(application.CurrentScreen);
int nextScreenIndex = currentScreenIndex + 1;
if (nextScreenIndex >= Application.Screens.Count())
    nextScreenIndex = 0;
ControlScreen nextScreen = Application.Screens[nextScreenIndex] as ControlScreen;

// switch screens
Application.CurrentScreen = nextScreen;